Choreography  Wojciech Mochniej in collaboration with Melissa Monteros
Performers  Wojciech Mochniej, Marie France Forcier, Nicole Charlton Goodbrand, Jared Tobias Herring, Sierra Oszust
Lights: Steve Isom
Audio and Video Engineer: Colin Barden

Comprised of three sections, (Unveiled, Entwined, When Language Fails) a series of life phases or portraits, it poses the question of boundaries between “I” and “we”. The work explores how waves of politically and socially defined identity can warp and distort the deep self.

Featuring Sierra Oszust, Nicole Charlton Goodbrand, and Jared Tobias Herring, and with powerhouse artists, Marie France Forcier and Wojciech Mochniej in the closing duet, this latest work from W&M PHYSICAL THEATRE reveals three human stories that move between the expressed and suppressed, the civilized and the wild.