with works by Wojtek Mochniej, Nicole Charlton Goodbrand, and the Artists-in-Residence Nicole Charlton Goodbrand, Alèn Martel, and Jared Tobias Herring

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with works by Wojtek Mochniej, Nicole Charlton Goodbrand, and Artists-in-Residence Nicole Charlton Goodbrand, Alèn Martel, and Jared Tobias Herring.

Performers  Alèn Martel, Ashley Mae Johnston, Kelsie Vanstone, Sierra Oszust, Taylor MacLeod, Elexie Tracy, Emily Fonda, Reese Wilson, Sarah Vander Ploeg, and Sylvie Moquin.

Experience the raw creative energy of WM2 in UPSIDE DOWN, a dynamic physical theatre production that takes you on a wild journey through a world turned on its head. Featuring powerful new works by Wojtek Mochniej, Nicole Charlton Goodbrand, and Artists in Residence Alen Martel, Nicole Charlton Goodbrand, and Jared Tobias Herring, this evening promises an unforgettable exploration of chaos, movement, and transformation. Don’t miss this chance to witness the apprentice company of W&M Physical Theatre!